
  • 申請可能なジャンルは何ですか?
    What kind of genres of arts can apply to the program?

    There are no limit on genres, media, forms and styles. But since our facility does not have any special equipment, it may be unsuitable depending on your activity plan. Please ask us.

  • 申請料金は必要ですか?
    Is there an application fee?

    No. However, there is a possibility that application fees will be set in the future.


  • 滞在中に作品を制作しなくてはいけませんか?
    Am I required to make art works during the residency?

    No. You are not required to make art during the residency. Please use your time in the best way that you see fit.
    *Our facility is not a hotel or guesthouse. Only artists who will do art activities is available.

  • 展覧会やコンサートはできますか?
    Can I hold exhibitions or concerts?

    We will be happy to talk about it with you. But we need time to preparate, such as finding a date, venue and extra staffs. Please ask us in advance.


  • 参加費・デポジット以外にかかる費用はありますか?
    Are there any additional costs besides the participation fee and deposit fee?

    Please pay transportation, food, and production costs at your own expense. If a staff accompanies you for research, etc., transportation expenses will be negotiated. Costs for utilities, Wi-Fi, and consumables such as garbage bags, toilet paper, and detergent are included in the support.

Daily life生活

  • 何を持っていけばいいですか?
    What daily necessaries should I bring?

    Basic cooking tools, tableware, seasonings, towels, a hair dryer, soap, shampoo, conditioner, detergent, clothes hangers, etc. are provided. Please bring any other items you may need, such as sanitary products.

  • 寝具は何ですか?
    What kind of bedding do you have?

    There are a few sets of Futons and 1 folding bed. You can also use Futon on the bed.